Anderson Offers Medical Stabilization Service for Patients Battling Addiction

The use and abuse of alcohol and/or other chemicals can disrupt a person’s life in many ways. Job loss, break-up of marriage and family, low self-esteem and even loss of life can result from the continued abuse of substances without proper treatment. However, with stabilization and an ongoing desire to remain free of the burden of substance abuse, many individuals can resume and maintain healthy lifestyles.
In an effort to address the needs of these individuals, Anderson Regional Medical Center is now offering an inpatient program to assist patients in overcoming withdrawal symptoms from drug and alcohol addictions.
The program is offered through New Vision™, a hospital-based medical stabilization and withdrawal management service. New Vision is a service line of SpecialCare Hospital Management of St. Charles, Missouri, which has been providing this service in acute care hospitals across the nation for more than 26 years.
New Vision provides adults (ages 18 and over) who are misusing certain substances — such as alcohol and prescription drugs — with medically supervised inpatient stabilization during withdrawal. The inpatient stay usually lasts three days and includes pre-screening, assessment, admission, medical stabilization and discharge planning. Upon admission, an assessment is completed with an evaluation of the patient’s medical history, a physical, a laboratory workup and nursing assessment. Discharge planning occurs prior to the patient leaving the hospital, and the patient is referred to appropriate community based treatment programs to help prevent relapse and continue treatment.
Patients may call New Vision to be screened for admission without a physician referral. Qualifying patients will be admitted by a licensed physician Monday through Friday.
For more information about New Vision medical stabilization service, call 601.703.8430.